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Week 2

Journeys Through Time

22/07 - 26/07

This week, our students will traverse through the eons and learn about the different times and cultures.

About this week's theme

This week, our students will traverse through the eons and learn about the different times and cultures.

    Day 1 - Dinosaurs - Stomp back in time to the age of Dinosaurs!
    第一天 - 恐龍 - 回到恐龍時代!
    Day 2 - Ancient Egypt - Unravel mysteries with the secrets of Ancient Egypt!
    第二天 - 古埃及 - 揭開古埃及的神秘面紗!
    Day 3 - Romans & Greeks - Forge your path through the legacy of Romans & Greeks!
    第三天 - 羅馬人和希臘人 - 打造羅馬人和希臘人的歷史遺產之路!
    Day 4 - Ninjas & Samurais - Slice through history with Ninjas & Samurais!
    第四天 - 忍者與武士 - 與忍者與武士一起回顧歷史!
    Day 5 - Vikings - Sail the seas of adventure with the Vikings!
    第五天 - 維京人 - 與維京人一起在驚濤駭浪的海洋中歷險!

About the course

Our weekly thematic summer programme is an integrated English programme teaching reading, writing, listening & speaking skill with fun activities such as cooking, arts and craft. 

Course features

  • Each week has a fun activity-based theme with a fun activity in each lesson that students will take part making under teacher's supervision

  • Each lesson is 2 hours long

  • A certificate will be awarded with the total number of tuition hours completed

How to enrol

There are up to 7 individual weeks from 15th July to 30th August​, check out our Schedule page for the Summer Programme class schedule of your nearest Babington centre.

Kindergarten Level Learning Outcomes

  • Build English language foundation

  • Increase vocabulary through flashcards and stories

  • Improve speaking, listening & comprehension through the weekly fun themes and simply engaging in more conversation with students

  • Continue to build on synthetic phonics skills to develop mastery of reading and writing

Primary Level Learning Outcomes

  • Continue with the systematic, structured & progressive curriculum as our regular programme

  • Continued exposure and reinforcement of grammar through writing

  • Creative writing through using different text types to broaden writing abilities

  • Comprehension skill development through critical thinking

  • Enhanced speaking & listening through expanding children's vocabulary through stories and themes

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